My four year old daughter loves
drawing. I got her a big join-the-dots drawing book, a fairly complicated with
around hundred dots in a picture. On Monday morning she asked which one she
should do. I glanced through the pages and asked her to complete a page titled
Tight-Rope Walker. In the evening, she called to tell that she was done. Good!
I asked her to colour it. Busy with work and customer, I could not review her
work. Next day evening, I saw the completed with her own creative additions,
too. I was nice, but not a tight-rope walker. There was no rope in drawing. The
closest could be flying man.
She did not know, what a
tight-rope walker was. I did not feel the need of telling it before starting
the drawing. I realized, at work, my
condition is not different than her. Many verification engineers would empathize. Many a times, at the end of a
project, they have the is-that-so moment.
Unfortunate ones get this in the lab.
When we see at verification process
failures from top, we could categorize them into two (or may be one *). The
first arise due to inability of the individual to understand the larger goal.
Second, inability of management to predict verification holes i.e. the holes
left due verification errors. We face these situation in tight scheduled
project and relaxed scheduled projects (later being hypothetical!)
Failure to understand larger goals
Separated by distances from
Ayatollahs of the program, the necessary knowledge does not seem to percolate
to the grass root. In the tight
schedules of projects, architects do not find time to talk to all the engineers
to convey their thought process behind their implementation schemes. Communication between marketing and engineers
is not heard off. With the genuine
intent of knowledge sharing the channels are created. Every channel has its own
channel loss. With hierarchy coming in picture, the loss is multiplied (added
if you are in dB fan). The thought process is put on back burner and procedures
are conveyed, join-the-dots.
The very basic of verification
industry's existence is 'to err is human’. It is expected that design engineers
would commit some errors, verification guys would find it. Who will cover the
mistakes of verification engineers? There are tools. EDA companies are trying
their best to come up with new tools and tactics to cross check verification
engineers’ job. With all these things,
still there are bugs on silicon. There is need to better cover the verification
engineers. There is need to expect verification engineer too is going to commit
mistake. There is a need to channelize these mistakes to less important part.
It wouldn't have mattered if my daughter would have missed drawing a window of
a house in the background. But rope?!
Classical View
The issues encountered during
and after verification can be grossly divided as
Architectural Issues
Feature related Issues
Unimplemented feature
Mis-interpreted feature
Mis-implemented feature
Architectural issues: These are the issues related
to the main line functionality. The functionality realized with chain of
operations spread across multiple modules, when gets a weak link , results in
these kinds of issues. These are most undesirable of the lot to have on
Unimplemented features: Mostly all the features are
implemented and verified correctly. There could be one which misses the
implementation for various reasons. The issues that don’t find any mention in
design as well as verification documents belongs to this category.
Mis-interpreted feature: These bugs are the result of
incorrect interpretation or multiple interpretation of the same specifications.
Precisely same misinterpretation by design and verification.
Mis-implemented feature: The features for which there
is no understanding / interpretation issue, but went wrong during the course of
Architectural issues could be
caught at proof of concept level verification.
We do some end to end test scenarios to make sure main line
functionality is intact. The religious approach to mimic real world
functionality can safest way taken to uncover these issues. Short cut taken for
proof of concept, may prove a breeding ground for much hated bugs.
For trapping mis-implemented
feature bugs, EDA industry has provided plethora of tools and methodologies
that include code coverage (block, condition, toggle, fsm), functional coverage
(simple, cross), assertions, formal verification, etc. The amount of automation
leaves no gap for these kinds of bugs. You make some fire with these tools and
these insects will commit suicide. It has been made that simple.
Mis-interpreted feature bugs
can only be caught if the interpretation of design and verification engineer is
orthogonal. The tests aiming the feature would bring the issue to fore to be
discussed with wider and wiser audience. The bug would get caught. Any
agreement between design and verification about interpretation (read
mis-interpretation) would make safe heaven for some bugs. The situation is
grimmer when the features are explained by the design team and not the
architects. Not all the bugs would successfully make to silicon, but they
manage eating precious time.
A video processing team started
working on a new project. A module was to operate on red component. Designer
happily added Cr (Chroma Red) to its input list and implemented the
functionality which happened to be some algorithm developed by software team
sitting at far end of the world. Verification guys without a clue what they were
verifying did the perfect job of making sure that the design matches what
designer wrote in document. But they were supposed to operate on red (R) component
in RGB and not Cr in YCbCr!
In some other project, a few
day before tape out, architect asked for test case that would use different
service categories for same types of customers probably with different SLAs.
What a bouncer! None understood what it meant. Can we expect a bug free
These and there could be many
other examples where a bug is spared or time is lost because of communication